Decrypted texts


42 Bosnia

42 Bosnia

 “DIVINE SPIRIT” Ravne 2, Visoko, Bosnia   The slabs with the same relief in the form of a hidden message – cryptography, were used to make the protective layer of the pyramid. The dating of this inscription according to several scientific methods is 12,000 – 32,000 years and according to the script, language, the belief in Reincarnation, science and culture discussed in the book Zeta Macedonia volume II, volume III and volume V, the minimum age is 500,000 years.

Viewed:  478.00 times

39 California

39 California

23.03. 2020 г. California is Zeta Macedonia A fragment of a rock drawing measuring 253x150 cm. This drawing is a representation of a part of the Macedonian Faith Revival – Reincarnation. This rock drawing was discovered in 1993. It was recorded under the CA-TRI-1 label at the Eel River canyon in Trinity County, California. The toponym for the Trinity area might have originated with the indigenous population, we do not know that at this time. The toponym Trinity is a Macedonian word meaning THREE THREADS, or the low ground in this area is cut by three threads or tributaries, on the right side of the Eel River, and they are Van Duzen, North Fork and Middle Fork.

Viewed:  529.00 times

35 Virginia USA

35 Virginia USA

22.12.2019 г. Zeta Macedonia North Overseas Nortnern Blossom, USA. The stone inscription belongs to the Macedonian civilization. The content of the article is part of the Macedonian Faith Rebirth - Reincarnation. According to textual analysts, its author and age do not coincide with the Macedonian script language and religion. The age of the articles is 500,000 - 100,000 g.  

Viewed:  1,015.00 times



SPAIN WITH A GLORY - MACEDONIAN PEOPLE   01.03.2022   According to Western European archaeologists, this is an abstract stone engraving in Gorham Cave, Gibraltar, with no convincing evidence that the engraving was made by Neanderthals.

Viewed:  3,136.00 times

30 Peru - Sillustani

30 Peru - Sillustani

17.О5.2019  г. Sillustani – an archaeological site in the Peru region of Puno. The site dates from the period before the Incas 100,000-500,000 years аgo and it's actually a cemetery. The tombs are built in the form of towers called Chullpa. The towers are decorated with carved forms – animal ligatures. On the lower part of the tower there is a carved eel. Sometimes in certain regions of the planet Macedonia it is replaced by a snake. It is a symbol of Macedonia. For the Macedonians at that time, it was a connection between Planet Macedonia and the Sun God ILI

Viewed:  1,333.00 times



14-09-2018 - South Africa 125.000 – 70.000 Zeta Macedonia "God’s Lom" (God’s Lom meaning divine sunray), refers to the territory of present-day South Africa. The top of southern Africa, as Macedonian territory, is geographically located on the path of the first zero meridian as the imaginary line called "IL – sunray".

Viewed:  1,037.00 times



09.08.2018  The Macedonian sanctuary Göbekli Tepe is one of the numerous sanctuaries from the Stone Age of the Slav Macedonian era around 11.600 years ago. According to the written evidence material, with the BLOSSOM letter (Cyrillic and Latin), Slav Macedonian language, the faith of the truth in the only God Sun ILI, the mother Maria, Madona, Virgin Mary, Macedonia, the divine son Macedon, or simply with the science and the culture, we can tell with certainty that the sanctuary Göbekli Tepe was built by the autochthonic Slav Macedonian nation on the territory of Zeta Macedonia.

Viewed:  1,761.00 times



17.05.2018   ZETA MACEDONIA MANCHURIA – Inner Mongolia Chinese scientists are completely right when they tell that these symbols are the beginning the production of the Chinese symbols. Why? Because the autochthonic population not only in East Asia, but also in the whole Asia are the authors of the Chinese symbols. The found artefacts by the archeologists are presenting a material evidence of a highly developed culture. Their existence is determined by scientists from all around the world. In that way we are coming to a conclusion for the beginnings of the cultural development. On the artefacts could be recognized drawings, symbols, abstract geometric pictures and figures.

Viewed:  1,093.00 times



26.01.2018   On the found stone in Zeta Macedonia Pyrenean in the area EVERY BREAK - LIGHT on the territory of present-day Catalonia, there is an inscription where is written: "LUNA IS 22-ND S ILI J' L'T DZI" This inscription transcribed on modern Macedonian language means: "LUNA IS - JESUS FROM 22-ND OF DECEMBER WITH IL, I SEE IN FLIGHT"

Viewed:  1,525.00 times



10.02.2018   АНК – симболот на вечниот живот. Тоа е симбол на пролетта. Ankh is in a shape of the constellation CROSS or Swan. Ankh which is in a shape of a lock or handbag is a stylization of the God Sun ILI from 22-th, 25-th of December and March.

Viewed:  1,149.00 times

Great Britain

Great Britain

31.01.2018   The artwork of pendant created from Macedonian people who are living in Yorkshire since 11.000 ago in a continuity up to now with its rituals, faith and cultural values, literacy and language as a part of their lives.

Viewed:  1,513.00 times



06.03.2022 g.   According to the written evidence these engraving-ligatures were made by Macedonians. The island, among the material remains there are several inscription from Macedonian mythology, where Macedonia...

Viewed:  1,241.00 times



08.07.2018  The noun RISTO is a Macedonian name, which is used in Macedonia at least 500.000 years ago up to now. The noun RISTO means: R’S = RAST NA DENOT (increasing of the day length), R’S = could be also RIS (lynx) – CAT, which presents a symbol of the Sun, because of its eyes which are shining. Risto is an announcement for the young Sun from 22-nd of December, when our Planet Macedonia is located in the spot of the winter solstice in a position where will be much closer to the Sun. From the day of 22-nd of December we have hesitating of three days, when the Planet Macedonia will decide with her axis to incline towards to the constellation KRST (CROSS) or K-RST = kon rastot na denot (towards to the increasing of the day length).

Viewed:  1,808.00 times



Who is Santa Claus?....04.12.2019 g.,,, The question arises: Who is behind the name Santa Claus? Western scientists have created a cult, like a fictional character, without an origin. The name changes over time and in certain regions of Planet Macedonia. In Macedonia Santa Claus is St. Nicholas, meaning a stub of the divine seed, it is in fact the Divine Spirit Macedon, personified by a man. His character is not fictional, it is rooted in the stone age of Macedonian civilization.  

Viewed:  1,946.00 times



11.01.2018   ZETA MACEDONIA R’ZIA, today so-called Russia, Kapova Cave The art characteristics, decrypted letter, language that was used, the schedule of the paintings, and the traces of human activity in the cave also, are showing that the traditions of organizing underground temples in the Upper Paleolithic are coming from the center of the world Macedonia and Macedonians, from Macedonia to Ural. This region had big influence on the Franco-Cantabrian region, which was populated with autochthonic Macedonian population.

Viewed:  1,152.00 times



"According to Western scholars and accepted by some educated people from Macedonia, it is claimed that there was an Indo-European language. Based on these analyses of written texts, that was a Macedonian nation, Macedonian language, Macedonian state and Macedonian civilization as history of the world scattered from Ireland to eastern China, Australia, Africa and America. Of course, as stated above, these texts mean nothing in the language of the tribe of Semitic-Arab origin, as southern neighbour of Macedonia as well as in the language of any other newly formed tribe separated from the Macedonian people with modified language.'' - a part from the book ''Zeta Macedonia'' page 348.

Viewed:  1,027.00 times



On the holy mountain Karkom in Israel is found a stone with Macedonian inscription as a drawing-ligature where is written: “ME SON, WITH LOM (break), OF IL AND WITH ZETA (kingdom) MACEDONIA, ONLY ILI (SUN), WITH TESHST IS-JESUS. DREAM” Macedonian letter, language, culture and faith in the only Mother, Maria, Madona-Macedonia, Father Sun ILI and the son Macedon, 500.000 years of Macedonian era up to now. 

Viewed:  1,269.00 times



25-11-2017   MACEDONIAN KING, Brother-in-law (ZET) – the young Sun from 25-th of December. The horse is symbol of the Sun and the sun rays. The horseman is the Macedonian king ZET (son-in-law). He is decorated with a crown with a peacock feather. 

Viewed:  1,024.00 times



31.10.2017 ZETA MACEDONIA AR AT Nearby Vishegrad, the east part of present-day BIH, on the slopеs of the mountain Tara in the village Zhleb – Serbia, is located a vertical rock called Pisana Stena. The age of this drawings is not confirmed, there just some assumptions. According to the analysis and the comparison with other sites, the drawing on Pisana Stena is old at least 15.000 – 8.000 years of Macedonian era before renaming the Macedonian faith into the Christian religion. In that time on this areas, like on the other continents, according to the written documents, there lived Macedonians. Macedonians owned the Macedonian language, letter: Cyrillic and Latin, the science and the monotheistic faith straight-glorious in reincarnation. 

Viewed:  1,345.00 times



20.10.2017   ZETA MACEDONIA VRTOLUM   “Vrtolum” is a holiday of the Macedonians from the Stone Age up to now. The 22-nd of June, when the Sun is turning to winter. This holiday of the Macedonian people is connected with the beliefs of the turning the time from summer to winter. This natural appearance noticed by the Macedonian people from the Stone Age, which presents the continuity of the Macedonian true faith. The tradition of the Macedonian people continued its existing by the Macedonian descendants in present-day South America.

Viewed:  1,820.00 times



Zeta Macedonia Cyprus

Viewed:  887.00 times



Zeta Macedonia Uprising (present-day China) -  The East-Asian symbol of a tree 木-Mù presents a symbol-ligature. Made with Macedonian letters BLOSSOM and Macedonian language in a shape of ligature. With that symbol is presented the Macedonian Faith. This Symbol explains the way of the divine spirit Macedon, like a spiritual energy, which is coming from the Sun and turns into a material energy. The divine spirit Macedon is arrives on the Planet Macedonia and enters into her through the holy oak tree and his root, symbol of the eternal Sun. On the East-Asian symbol for a tree 木-Mù is written: “YOU IL INTO THE LIPS”. The holiness of the oak tree is grasped and by the fact that the symbol of Macedonians for his divinatess as a Lord and ruler of the Planet Macedonia is his crown made by oak leafs.

Viewed:  1,667.00 times



27.10.2018   Ankh – symbol of eternal life. It is the symbol of spring, which is a sign-ligature, on which one can read: "SO OS ILI, IL LIL” from XXI. This would mean: "With sunray God IL to pour, to fertilize, from the day of the spring, it is the desire of God." The globular shape of the Ankh symbol is a stylized poppy pod or symbol of nature’s anaesthetic, fertilization, divine spirit descending from the sky. The horizontal lines are the Macedonian spring numbers V + V + X and the vertical + I = 21. The word ANK (ANKH), read from right to left is the KNA, meaning: Love desire of God to fertilize God’s MA.

Viewed:  1,352.00 times



Zeta Macedonia ILINA (Present-day Italy)

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10.10.2017   Examples from anthropomorphic figurines from Vincha (present-day Serbia), from the Macedonian civilization, widespread on five continents, from the historical period around 5.000 – 4.500 years of Macedonian era before Christianity. The locality Vincha is very important archaeological site in Zeta Macedonia Europe, with 11 m.  deep cultural layer. The artistic qualities and forms of the figurines are same or similar on five continents, one of them is the territory of present-day Japan, inhabited with Macedonians at least 500.000 years ago.

Viewed:  1,167.00 times



12.09.2017    Zeta Macedonia Vindia (present-day India) - On the Javadhu Hills in the area Vellore in Tamil Nadu, Mr. Ramesh found processed stones in a shape of wedges. Scientific team assumed they had been made around 5.000 years ago, “when people started to breeding agricultural crops”. According to my opinion, this processed stones are older than is assumed. If we take into consideration the found artifacts, which are 130.000 years old, in Patne, India...  

Viewed:  1,553.00 times



07.10.2017    Zeta Macedonia Overseas North Blossom (present-day Minnesota) -  This unique location, supported by the historical society of Minnesota, includes carvings on stone into a shape of drawing-ligature. The carvings are made by the autochthonous Macedonian population 5.000 years ago. Most of the carvings on stone in Minnesota are in this locality. The Macedonian science, culture and faith in the mother Maria-Madon ruler, Macedonia is presented by this carvings. 

Viewed:  1,353.00 times



15.12.2015    Zeta Macedonia NESIA - Vindonesia,  (present-day Indonezija) -  European archaeologists discovered Macedonian inscription on а freshwater shell 500,000 years old. Our conclusion is that the inscription has been written by Macedonians called Vindi or Indi. These were people similar to today's Macedonians and lived along the river Solo, organized in the state of Zeta Macedonia Nesia. Archaeologist Francisco Enrico said: “This is the oldest graphic expression made by man with his own hand.” “We do not know why man has drawn it. Perhaps it is a sign of ownership, some code, or gift,” said Žozefina Jordens, researcher from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. According to her, the drawing is an expression of cognitive abilities, in fact, modern cognitive abilities.

Viewed:  1,717.00 times



21.11.2020   Macedonian alphabet, numbers, language, and faith of Reincarnation. The Blossom script is called Cyrillic and Latin, and the spring digits are called Roman and Arabic. The  Macedonian faith is the basis of all religions in the world, which have twisted dates, names and misinterpretations. The stone drawing is from Zeta Macedonia Pyrenees, today so-called Spain.

Viewed:  4,002.00 times



28.06.2018   Zeta Macedonia Spring Wind (present-day Sweden) - Swedes are Macedonian people. Boat – Macedonian symbol of the infinitive time, sun ray for a transmission between the divine God Macedon, from the Sun towards to the Planet Macedonia and backwards, with the four periods of the heaven and the four periods of the Planet Macedonia. 1. Father Sun ILI. That is the old Sun from 22-nd of December. 2. The young Sun Zet (son-in-law) IS – JESUS from 25-th of December.

Viewed:  940.00 times



12.10-2018   The found inscription is presenting the personification of the God Sun or the Father and his his son Jesus. We can read on it: "OS S'JI SAJ ISO", which transcribed into a modern Macedonian language means: WITH THE LIGHT, I AM JESUS. 

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Zeta Macedonia Overseas Blossom (present-day Michigan, USA)

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